Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Social Media Of Public Relations - 1325 Words

In general worlds, public relations is a management function, which manage the spread of information between organization and its publics, it is process of information exchange, also maintain the relationship between audience, social media, companies†¦etc. Generally, the public relation practitioners use forms such as printed text, images, speaking words or even combined functions for communication. â€Å"Social media are a technically enhanced-think Internet and mobile-based-way of discussing ideas with people in communities. Social media use words, pictures, audio, and video to foster interaction†. (Maddock and Viton, 2009)To working with social media, practitioners must build and maintain relationships of mutual respect and trust with†¦show more content†¦There can be bunch of advantages working in social media of public relations including corporate communications, team membership. Since everything is online, you’re free to work anywhere could connect with internet, make the desired response possible to engage stakeholders and also could create a conversation exchanging information and views. There is also challenging to learn new technology everyday during working, able to organizing the program and on-line digital. On the contrary, there can also be disadvantages working in social media. The social media always sensationalize things, suspicious of the fail and the truth, and somehow loss of objectivities. As an employee working in the specialize area of social media public relations, a person should first have skills of researching, planning, implementing and evaluating programs. They might use a variety of research tools to gathering information about the clients, the industry, also relevant issues. Also identify the individual or group who are interested in online programs. Communication skill is always important in my opinion, it plays a really big role in every specialize part of public relations. However, people who are pa rticipating in social media public relations might have advanced communication skills. They may have skills to persuade stakeholders to support a decision, identify and analysis a problem, the results and the solution, conduct decisions, also

Monday, December 16, 2019

Jun Assignment Mpa for 2012-13 Free Essays

IGNOU M. A in Public Administration Solved Assignment Dec 2012 Presented by http://www. IGNOU4Ublog. We will write a custom essay sample on Jun Assignment Mpa for 2012-13 or any similar topic only for you Order Now com TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT (TMA) Course Code: MPA-011 Assignment Code: Asst/TMA/2012-2013 Marks: 100 This assignment consists of Sections I II. There are five questions in each section. You have to answer a total of five questions in about 400 words each. It is necessary to attempt at least two questions from each section. Each question carries 20 marks. Section-1 consists of questions from Units 1 to 10 and Section-II consists of questions from Units 11 to 21. Section – I . Examine the views of F. W Riggs on Society-Administration relationship. Solution: Coming soon†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. ———————————————————————————————– 2. ‘State’s role needs to be examined in the context of its Liberal and Marxist perspectives’. Discuss. Solution: The libe ral conception of the state is of a limited organization that represents popular will. The state plays a minimal role in the directing of society and economic affairs, but can play a significant supporting role in modern liberal (social liberal) theories. Classical Liberals favor a minimal state that only provides for basic services such as defense, enforcing contracts and protecting property rights. Social liberals accept more roles for the state, primarily in the economic sphere, such as regulation of capitalism in order to protect consumers and workers, welfare programs to help the poor and disadvantaged in society and public services that benefit everyone. To liberals, the state plays a supporting role in society, and is usually left to operate in the political and social spheres. Marxists conceive of the state as an institution of capitalism that can be transformed to benefit the working class, as the state is the only institution that is capable of organizing and managing the economy on a large scale. The state would be radicalized in that the workers and people would control it through direct democracy or council democracy. The state becomes an integral part of the economy in that it owns the means of production in the phase of socialism. Marxists see the state as becoming unnecessary when the productive forces develop and authority on the state level is no longer required, leading to the disappearance of the state and social class. This society is called communism, where the means of production is owned communally but operated and managed by cooperatives. Socialism is an economic system whereby either the state or worker cooperatives own and control the means of production, strategic resources and major industry. The principle of socialism is to organize the economy in a rational manner that avoids the pitfalls of capitalism and the free market through planned or state directed economic systems. Socialism can also utilize the market mechanism to distribute goods and services in the form of market socialism, while the state or public retains ownership of major economic institutions. The revenue generated by the state economy would be used to finance government programs, potentially eliminating the need for taxation. A private sector for non-heavy industry can exist in a socialist system, but the state, public or cooperative sector would play the dominant role in the economy. To socialists, the state is a part of the economy and the state plays a dominant role in structuring economic and political affairs. ———————————————————————————————– 3. Explain the Neo-liberal Perspective of State. Solution: Neoliberalism is a contemporary political movement advocating economic liberalizations, free trade and open markets. Neoliberalism supports the privatization of nationalized industries, eregulation, and enhancing the role of the private sector in modern society. It is commonly informed by neoclassical or Austrian economics. The term neoliberal today is often used as a general condemna tion of economic liberalization policies and advocates. Neoliberalism shares many concepts with mainstream schools of economic thought. The term â€Å"neoliberalism† was coined in 1938 by the German scholar Alexander Rustow at the Colloque Walter Lippmann. The colloquium defined the concept of neoliberalism as â€Å"the priority of the price mechanism, the free enterprise, the system of competition and a strong and impartial state. To be â€Å"neoliberal† meant that â€Å"laissez-faire† liberalism is not enough and that – in the name of liberalism – a modern economic policy is required. After the colloquium â€Å"neoliberalism† became a label for several academical approaches such as the Freiburg school, the Austrian School or the Chicago school of economics. During the military rule under Augusto Pinochet in Chile opposition scholars took up the expression again without a specific reference to any theoretical revision of liberalism. Rather, it described a set of political and economic reforms being implemented in Chile and imbued the term with pejorative connotations. In the last two decades, according to the Boas and Gans-Morse study of 148 journal articles, neoliberalism is almost never defined but used in several senses to describe ideology, economic theory, development theory, or economic reform policy. It has largely become a term of condemnation employed by critics of liberalizing economic tendencies. And it now suggests a â€Å"market fundamentalism† closer to the â€Å"paleoliberals† as opposed to the primary meaning. This leaves some controversy as to the precise meaning of the term and its usefulness as a descriptor in the social sciences, especially as the number of different kinds of market economies have proliferated in recent years ———————————————————————————————– 4. ‘The nature of social participation is ever changing’. Elucidate Solution: Whether we live in the crowded bustle of an inner city or in a quieter, less populated rural area, most of us are part of the community in which we live. Social participation refers to people’s social involvement and interaction with others. Activities such as volunteering, making donations, participating in sports, and recreational activities are all forms of social participation. While Canadians may differ in why, how, and how much they get involved, most would agree that social participation improves their own and the community’s well-being[1]. Measures of social participation include participation in political activities and participation in social activities. Measures of factors that influence social participation include social networks, sense of belonging, and level of trust. Highlights 54. 6% of Canadians – 58. 3% of men and 51. 7% of women – reported being involved in at least one political activity in 2002. Involvement in at least one social activity group, such as professional associations, or cultural, educational, and hobby organizations, was reported by 61% of Canadians in 2003. In 2003, the great majority of Canadians (93. %) reported having some close friends or family members. However, 6. 3% of Canadians reported having no close friend or family member. In 2003, the vast majority of Canadians had a â€Å"somewhat or very strong† sense of belonging to Canada (88%), to their province (81%), and to their community (70%). A little more than half of Canadians (56%) in 2003 believed that others could be trusted. The level of trust was highest among individuals aged 45 to 64 years old (59%) compared with other age categories. Footnotes There is no agreement on how to best define ‘community. For example, and the 2003 General Social Survey on Social Engagement (Statistics Canada, cat. no. 89-598-XIE) leaves the definition open. Generally, the term ‘community’ refers to the people and institutions that are in proximity to our place of residence. However, it can also include a more global sense of community, where charitable donations to an international charity can benefit people of other countries. ———————————————————————————————– 5. Answer the following questions in 200 words each: ) Concept of ‘Hind Swaraj’ Solution:The co ncept of swaraj, or self-rule, was developed during the Indian freedom struggle. In his book Hind Swaraj (1909), Gandhi sought to clarify that the meaning behind swaraj was much more than simply â€Å"wanting [systems of] English rule without the Englishman; the tiger’s nature but not the tiger. † The crux of his argument centered on the belief that the socio-spiritual underpinnings of British political, economic, bureaucratic, legal, military, and educational institutions were inherently unjust, exploitative and alienating. As Pinto explicates, â€Å"The principal theme of Hind Swaraj is the moral inadequacy of western civilization, especially its industrialism, as the model for free India. † Gandhi was particularly critical of the deeply embedded principles of ‘might is right’ and ‘survival of the fittest’. On another level, the call for swaraj represents a genuine attempt to regain control of the ‘self’ – our self-respect, self-responsibility, and capacities for self-realization – from institutions of dehumanization. As Gandhi states, â€Å"It is swaraj when we learn to rule ourselves. † The real goal of the freedom struggle was not only to secure political azadi (independence) from Britain, but rather to gain true swaraj (liberation and self-rule). Gandhi wanted all those who believed in swaraj: (1) to reject and wholly uproot the British raj (rule) from within themselves and their communities; and, (2) to regenerate new reference points, systems, and structures that enable individual and collective self-development. This regeneration was to grow from the strengths, perspectives, wisdom and experiences of people living in village India, rather than from cities in Britain, America, and even in India for that matter. Understanding the real ‘Self’, and its relation to communities and society, is critical to the project of attaining swaraj. How is this relevant for us today? We feel that South Asia (along with the rest of the world) is experiencing a tremendous crisis, one overwhelming in its scale and pace of growth. While it is easy to get caught up in the symptoms of this crisis (the brutal violence, the enormous inequities, the extinction of cultures and languages, the degradation of the environment), it is equally, if not more, important to understand its roots. We must creatively analyze the content and the consequences of our current economic, political, social, and educational systems, without reverting to a romanticized past of so-called untouched or pristine traditions. From these critical reflections, we must generate new spaces, systems, and processes – based on moral and holistic visions of human potential and human progress – which can lead us out of the global self-destruction which engulfs us. Throughout it all, we must consider and negotiate our own roles, while asking ourselves how we are either working for solutions or contributing to making the crisis worse. Thus, today, we recognize Gandhi’s concept of swaraj integral to three parallel action-reflection agendas for the 21st century: ———————————————————————————————– ) Citizen’s Charter Solution: Citizen’s Charter is a document which represents a systematic effort to focus on the commitment of the Organization towards its Citizens in r espects of Standard of Services, Information, Choice and Consultation, Non-discrimination and Accessibility, Grievance Redressal, courtesy and value for money. This also includes expectations of the Organization from the Citizen for fulfilling the commitment of the Organization. The Citizen’s Charter was a British political initiative launched by the then Prime Minister, John Major, on 22 July 1991, less than a year into his premiership. [1] It aimed to improve public services in the UK by: Making administration accountable and citizen friendly. Ensuring transparency and the right to information. Taking measures to cleanse and motivate civil service. Adopting a stakeholder approach. Saving time of both executant and the clientele One part of the initiative was the granting of â€Å"Charter Marks† to those public bodies meeting defined standards. ———————————————————————————————- Section – II 6. Examine the role of Bureaucracy in policy monitoring and analysis. Solution: Bureaucrats put government policy into practice, and th erefore the federal bureaucracy has a large impact on policymaking. In order to get their policies passed, the president and Congress must work with the bureaucracy. Controlling the bureaucracy can be difficult for the following reasons: Size: The president cannot monitor everyone or even every group within the bureaucracy, so much of what bureaucrats do goes unmonitored. Expertise of bureaucrats: The people who administer policy often know much more about those issues than the president or members of Congress. This expertise gives the bureaucrats power. Civil service laws: Firing bureaucrats, even for incompetence, is very difficult. Clientele groups: Many federal agencies provide services to thousands of people, and those people sometimes rally to defend the agency. Policy implementation: When Congress creates a new program, it does not establish all the details on how the policy will be implemented. Instead, Congress passes enabling legislation, which grants power to an agency to work out the specifics. Although the agency must stay within some bounds, it has a great deal of latitude in determining how to carry out the wishes of Congress. Power of Persuasion Presidential scholar Richard Neustadt has argued that the president’s primary power is that of persuasion. The president must lobby or persuade bureaucrats. But trying to convince members of the bureaucracy that their goals fit with the president’s goals is a time-consuming and often frustrating process. For this reason, many presidents have seen the bureaucracy as an obstacle to getting their agendas approved. Rule-making The federal bureaucracy makes rules that affect how programs operate, and these rules must be obeyed, just as if they were laws. The rule-making process for government agencies occurs in stages. After Congress passes new regulatory laws, the agency charged with implementing the law proposes a series of rules, which are published in the Federal Register. Interested parties can comment on the rules, either at public hearings or by submitting documents to the agency. After the agency publishes the final regulations, it must wait sixty days before enforcing those rules. During that time, Congress can review and change the rules if it desires. If Congress makes no changes, the rules go into effect at the end of sixty days. Federal regulations affect many groups of people, who have often challenged those regulations in court. Because litigation is a slow and expensive way to change regulations, Congress passed the Negotiated Rulemaking Act of 1990 to limit the need for litigation by opening the rulemaking process to those affected by it. The act encouraged federal agencies to engage in negotiated rule-making. If an agency agrees to the proposed regulations, for example, it publishes the proposals in the Federal Register and then participates in a negotiating committee overseen by a third party. Agreements reached by the committee are then open to the normal public review process. Parties to negotiated rule-making agree not to sue over the rules. ———————————————————————————————– 7. Write a note on the nature and characteristics of good governance. Solution: Good governance has 8 major characteristics. It is participatory, consensus oriented, accountable, transparent, responsive, effective and efficient, equitable and inclusive and follows the rule of law. It assures that corruption is minimized, the views of minorities are taken into account and that the voices of the most vulnerable in society are heard in decision-making. It is also responsive to the present and future needs of society. Participation Participation by both men and women is a key cornerstone of good governance. Participation could be either direct or through legitimate intermediate institutions or representatives. It is important to point out that representative democracy does not necessarily mean that the concerns of the most vulnerable in society would be taken into consideration in decision making. Participation needs to be informed and organized. This means freedom of association and expression on the one hand and an organized civil society on the other hand. Rule of law Good governance requires fair legal frameworks that are enforced impartially. It also requires full protection of human rights, particularly those of minorities. Impartial enforcement of laws requires an independent judiciary and an impartial and incorruptible police force. Transparency Transparency means that decisions taken and their enforcement are done in a manner that follows rules and regulations. It also means that information is freely available and directly accessible to those who will be affected by such decisions and their enforcement. It also means that enough information is provided and that it is provided in easily understandable forms and media. Responsiveness Good governance requires that institutions and processes try to serve all stakeholders within a reasonable timeframe. Consensus oriented There are several actors and as many view points in a given society. Good governance requires mediation of the different interests in society to reach a broad consensus in society on what is in the best interest of the whole community and how this can be achieved. It also requires a broad and long-term perspective on what is needed for sustainable human development and how to achieve the goals of such development. This can only result from an understanding of the historical, cultural and social contexts of a given society or community. ———————————————————————————————– 8. Explain the meaning of Ethics, underlying its ‘foci’ and ‘loci’. Solution: Ethics, also known as moral philosophy, is a branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior. Major areas of study in ethics may be divided into 3 operational areas: Meta-ethics came to the fore with G. E. Moore’s Principia Ethica from 1903. In it he first wrote about what he called the naturalistic fallacy. Moore was seen to reject naturalism in ethics, in his Open Question Argument. This made thinkers look again at second order questions about ethics. Earlier, the Scottish philosopher David Hume had put forward a similar view on the difference between facts and values. Studies of how we know in ethics divide into cognitivism and non-cognitivism; this is similar to the contrast between descriptivists and non-descriptivists. Non-cognitivism is the claim that when we judge something as right or wrong, this is neither true nor false. We may for example be only expressing our emotional feelings about these things. [2] Cognitivism can then be seen as the claim that when we talk about right and wrong, we are talking about matters of fact. Normative ethics Traditionally, normative ethics (also known as moral theory) was the study of what makes actions right and wrong. These theories offered an overarching moral principle one could appeal to in resolving difficult moral decisions. At the turn of the 20th century, moral theories became more complex and are no longer concerned solely with rightness and wrongness, but are interested in many different kinds of moral status. During the middle of the century, the study of normative ethics declined as meta-ethics grew in prominence. This focus on meta-ethics was in part caused by an intense linguistic focus in analytic philosophy and by the popularity of logical positivism. Virtue ethics Virtue ethics describes the character of a moral agent as a driving force for ethical behavior, and is used to describe the ethics of Socrates, Aristotle, and other early Greek philosophers. Socrates (469 BC – 399 BC) was one of the first Greek philosophers to encourage both scholars and the common citizen to turn their attention from the outside world to the condition of humankind. In this view, knowledge having a bearing on human life was placed highest, all other knowledge being secondary. Self-knowledge was considered necessary for success and inherently an essential good. A self-aware person will act completely within his capabilities to his pinnacle, while an ignorant person will flounder and encounter difficulty. ———————————————————————————————– 9. ‘The solution to governance challenges lies in civil society movements’. Discuss. Solution: Until recently, the study of development process until recently has centered largely on the triangle of states-markets-international institutions. For the last decade, mainstream development discourse has adopted the notion of ‘civil society’ as simultaneously the site of ‘citizens’ collective action’ as well as a set of actors to be incorporated in the planning, implementation and evaluation of development projects. This notion of ‘civil society’ has tended to focus exclusively on NGOs. This course provides a more political understanding of ‘civil society’ by examining social movements in relation to civil society and to the development project itself. It begins by current theories of ‘civil society’ and ‘new social movements’. It then assesses the impact of nationalist and socialist movements on shaping the development agenda of nineteenth-century European and late-colonial states, and how social movements from the 1950s-1980s interacted with national governments in blocking, changing or advancing the development agendas of states (e. g. , Gandhian movements in India, the housing rights movements in urban Latin America, and the movements against minority rule in Southern Africa). The course focuses on contexts (e. g. democratisation, globalisation, etc. ), sectors (e. g. environment, agriculture), spaces (e. g. ural, urban) and agents (e. g. women). Subsequently, the course addresses the issue of ‘global civil society’: issues of ‘globalisation’ and transnational networks of solidarity created in response to it, for example, the movements against ‘sweatshop labour’, the Zapatista movement in Mexico, and movements against transnational companies and institutions of glo bal governance (WTO, World Bank, IMF etc. ). ———————————————————————————————– 10. Answer the following questions in 200 words each: a) Concept of New Public Management Solution: New public management (NPM) denotes broadly the government policies, since the 1980s, that aimed to modernise and render more effective the public sector. The basic hypothesis holds that market oriented management of the public sector will lead to greater cost-efficiency for governments, without having negative side-effects on other objectives and considerationsSome modern authors define NPM as a combination of splitting large bureaucracies into smaller, more fragmented ones, competition between different public agencies, and between public agencies and private firms and incentivization on more economic lines. 2] Defined in this way, NPM has been a significant driver in public management policy around the world, from the early 1980s to at least the early 2000s. NPM, compared to other public management theories, is oriented towards outcomes and efficiency, through better management of public budget. [3] It is considered to be achieved by applying competition, as it is known in the private sector, to organizations in the public sector, emphasizing economic and leadership principles. New public management addresses beneficiaries of public services much like customers, and conversely citizens as shareholders. In 2007, the European Commission produced a white book on governance issues whose objective was to propose a new kind of â€Å"relationship between the state and the citizens,† reform governance, improve public management and render decision-making â€Å"more flexibleSome authors say NPM has peaked and is now in decline ———————————————————————————————– ) Business Process Engineering Solution: Business process re-engineering is a business management strategy, originally pioneered in the early 1990s, focusing on the analysis and design of workflows and processes within an organization. BPR aimed to help organizations fundamentally r ethink how they do their work in order to dramatically improve customer service, cut operational costs, and become world-class competitors. 1] In the mid-1990s, as many as 60% of the Fortune 500 companies claimed to either have initiated reengineering efforts, or to have plans to do so. BPR seeks to help companies radically restructure their organizations by focusing on the ground-up design of their business processes. According to Davenport (1990) a business process is a set of logically related tasks performed to achieve a defined business outcome. Re-engineering emphasized a holistic focus on business objectives and how processes related to them, encouraging full-scale recreation of processes rather than iterative optimization of subprocesses. How to cite Jun Assignment Mpa for 2012-13, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Drawings of the Drawing of Leonardo Da Vinci Essay Example For Students

The Drawings of the Drawing of Leonardo Da Vinci Essay To dad Vinci, the creative process of drawing Egan with his personal experience and he felt as though knowledge, religion and practice were the remaining constituents which allowed him to create his drawing as though to compare them to nature, Michelangelo believed that drawing was a way to use experimentation and planning while requiring the use of the creativity process and motivation to explore new ideas to express the visions in his minds-eye I (Michelangelo Biography, 1996-2013 Television Networks, LLC. , Each artist believed that the creative process of drawing assisted them in the further development oftener skills and provided them with he ability to continually improve their masterpieces. Michelangelo and dad Vinci have many points of similarity and differences to me for they both had a fascination with the nature and the human body. Chose these two drawings of Leonardo dad Vinci the Head of Lead and The Patrician Man (http://move. Transformational. Org/) Michelangelo Andrea Quarters and The Libyan Sybil (http://www. Tummies. Org) Michelangelo Ovals most reluctant to make portrait drawings unless the subject was one Of perfect beauty when the spectator. Looks at the portrait we can see why he chose to only have perfect beauty the detail Of the portrait is almost picture like, every detail is captured including the balanced lighting through the picture and the creases on the clothing it goes beyond just having a person, he was able to capture the essence of the person. Leonardo dad Vinci details are beautiful yet detailed and more anatomically correct rather than capturing the essence of the person whom he was drawing, poor example the nose is outlined perfectly from nose tip to eye brow the eyes are very anatomically correct their lids are perfectly placed and the lashes are drawn in one by one. Her hair is braided in two buns in what seems to be a series of French braids. We also see how Leonardo style comes through as very relaxed and free formed.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Voting and Participation

According to the United States Bureau of Census, only about 55% of people eligible to vote have voted in the national elections held after every four years since 1960. Despite the fact that voter participation in the elections has recorded a slight increase in the last few decades, participation is still at a lower level when compared to other democracies of the western part of Europe.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Voting and Participation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the recent years, there have been attempts at enhancing voter participation as well as voter turnout through several means. These means include automatic registration of would be voters, installing home mail ballots, and others. Nonetheless, several Americans are wary of the fact that such attempts to enhance voter participation create negative impacts such as fraud as well as voter apathy. The people in support of enhanced voter participat ion have a superior argument compared to those against it since enhanced participation of voters increases the level of self-governance. The United Nations is an effective partner in matters relating to elections and voting. Throughout its functions, it continues to encourage nations to foster voter participation with a goal of improving self-governance. The Voting Right Act of 1965 This refers to a hallmark in the history of America. It is a legislation which ruled out any voting processes that appeared to discriminate against some groups and was the cause for marginalization of African Americans in the United States. This piece of legislation outlawed any federal state from forcing any kind of qualification to a voter or any other essential requirement in a manner that would hinder or obstruct the right of any individual to vote because of issues of race or the color of one’s skin. The then congress had a particular interest in using the act to disregard the process of need ing individuals who were actually qualified to vote to go through literacy tests successfully so as to be allowed to register as voters. This was the major way through which some of the states had denied the African Americans their right to vote. This piece of legislation was signed and enacted into law by the then president Lyndon Johnson. The process of Electing a New President The elections for a new president are normally conducted after a period of four years. The specific day is the first Tuesday of the month of November. This is a standard procedure which has to be followed strictly. There are also requirements for the qualifications of a person who can run for office. He or she should have clocked 35 years. They must also be natives of America and should have stayed there for a period not less than 14 years. Candidates for the presidency are selected through a campaign process which begins a previous year to the actual election year. Candidates announce their quest for offic e and the various parties select their preferred candidates.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More After party nominations, the final candidates conduct their campaigns all over the country in a bid to get more votes to their basket. Voters have to register to vote and this is done early enough. The people should satisfy all the legal requirements as well as age to be allowed to register as voters. Lastly, the president is identified by the number of Electoral College votes he garners and not necessarily the popular vote. This essay on Voting and Participation was written and submitted by user Zuri Lott to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Juicy Couture Essays

Juicy Couture Essays Juicy Couture Essay Juicy Couture Essay Background of the Brand/Property: 1. Juicy Couture is perceived as a luxurious, exciting and fun brand that is designed with a strong sense of whimsy. It is a brand that produces collections of clothing, accessories, jewelry and fragrances created for women, men, children, and dogs. The current guest creative director for Juicy Couture, Erin Fetherston, describes the brand as ‘totally free-spirited and fun-loving. ’ Juicy Couture is marketed as a high-end clothing line at an affordable price, and is aimed at women ages 15–45. Out of this range, teens are their core clientele. They also have clothes and accessories for children, babies, and pets. Juicy Couture products are carried in a variety of venues but were at first only carried in very few locations such as Neiman Marcus. The company didn’t establish exclusive boutiques and flagship stores until 2006. Juicy Couture also has a plus-size line called ‘Extra Juicy’, which was exclusive to Nordstrom but is now widely available. There are 62 full-price retail stores in the United States and 18 more internationally throughout Europe and Asia. The clothes are also carried by high-end department stores and specialty boutiques. The company also operates more than 30 outlet stores in the United States and has products for sale through their website, which was previously operated by Neiman Marcus but Juicy Couture is taking its e-commerce business in-house. 2. The current product categories available under the Juicy Couture name are women’s clothes, including everything from dresses to tracksuits to sleepwear and accessories, handbags, shoes, and jewelry. They have also expanded into swimwear and watches. They offer a young girls line and some dog accessories. Juicy Couture also produces a separate, higher-priced line of clothes called Bird. Juicy Couture also has eyewear and fragrances that they produce, both men’s and women’s. Other interesting product categories that Juicy distributes are cosmetics, Barbie dolls, and computer accessories. Juicy Couture’s top competitors are The Gap, Guess? , and HM. Juicy Couture’s price points are quite higher than those of the top competitors but they do, however, deliver a higher quality product to their customers along with a more exclusive brand image. 3. According to Women’s Wear Daily, Juicy Couture launched a new fragrance for women in September with Elizabeth Arden called Peace, Love, and Juicy Couture. Elizabeth Arden also produces all of the other Juicy Couture fragrances. Juicy Couture and Movado Group have a long-term, worldwide licensing agreement to design, produce, and market a collection of watches under the Juicy Couture and Couture Couture brand names. The collections launched in fall 2006 and are sold throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia. Juicy Couture also licenses their eyewear with Safilo Group, a leader in the premium eyewear sector. They have the right to design, manufacture, and distribute optical frames, sunglasses, and related eyewear products for the Juicy Couture brand. This partnership was formed in 2005. Schwartz and Benjamin Incorporated own the Juicy Couture footwear licenses. Juicy Couture also licenses their swimwear business. The licensee for this is Swimwear Anywhere, Incorporated. In 2008, Juicy also signed a license agreement with Maclaren Strollers. 4. Although Juicy Couture is owned by Liz Claiborne Incorporated, the former co-creative directors and current creative director have always had control over the design and marketing of the company. A signature advertising technique used by Juicy Couture is to send thousands of free outfits to celebrities, fashion editors, and stylists every year. Prior to Juicy Couture being bought by Liz Claiborne, this was the only way they advertised. Juicy began their widespread advertising program with the launch of their first women’s fragrance. Advertisements ran in magazines have always been very fun and exaggerated. For the first fragrance advertisements, a woman with an oversized red bow in her hair and a tattooed man are drinking from straws out of a perfume bottle that says ‘Juicy Couture’. Their advertisements are always light hearted and entertaining, something that is attractive to consumers who are tired of hearing about the recession and hard times that have been had. After this, Juicy advertised for their total lifestyle collections as well as their growing line of perfumes. The Juicy Couture brand is known for its whimsical styles and this idea is carried all the way through to the retail stores. Store displays include big vases filled with candy and faux mounted wildlife, like a moose, decorated with Juicy Couture jewelry. Some would even consider the fact that the designers of Juicy produced a handbag that read ‘Choose Juicy’ across the front in large block letters advertising. And this doesn’t just hold true for this one particular bag, Juicy Couture is known for splashing their name across articles of their clothing and on nameplates on many of their jewelry pieces. This is easy way for the company to advertise makes their products well known and sought-after. 5. The Juicy Couture retail stores are the epitome of the Juicy look and attitude. They are over the top and totally glamorous. The decor within the stores are unique and pleases the senses. As mentioned above, there are vases of candy scattered around the stores, along with other unexpected touches. There is no comparison when viewing the Juicy Couture website and thinking of the store that you just shopped in, the two fuses together perfectly. Colors that pop and draw the customer’s attention are a must. As well as unusual displays, which make one feel that they are not shopping at a regular store. They are shopping in a ‘Juicy’ world and that is precisely the impression that the company wishes to bring to their customers. Suggestion and opinion on licensing efforts: 1. I believe that Juicy Couture monitors the quality and look of every category of products that they license in order for them to fit within the brand image. When Juicy Couture started out as a very small and privately owned company, the designers had a very clear vision built for the company. They had always been very fun and cheeky with their designs and business approach. When Liz Claiborne bought the company, the founders and designers, Gela Nash-Taylor and Pamela Skaist Levy, stayed with the company as co-creative directors to make sure that the company’s vision wouldn’t get lost while the company was expanding. This gave the designers the opportunity to expand their line into a complete lifestyle brand with the help of Liz Claiborne in the financial, manufacturing, and distributing aspects of the business. All of the licensees for the Juicy brand understand that it has a certain image to withhold and this, along with the quality products that they produce to be sold under the Juicy name, are the reason why Juicy has licensed out the right for them to produce their products. If the purpose of good licensing is for all of the product categories to merge together seamlessly under one brand name, Juicy Couture has accomplished this task. 2. Juicy Couture has a pretty extensive distribution channel. Being that they are a large company, this is definitely a necessity. However, some people may argue that Juicy Couture has lost its exclusivity because their distribution is too wide spread. Juicy Couture seemed to have realized this a few years ago when they realized that their men’s business wasn’t working very well. They discontinued manufacturing and distributing clothes for men but still, however, produce a men’s fragrance. Right now, I think that Juicy Couture is permeating the exact market that they wish to be. They are an extremely well known company, their claim to fame being their unforgettable velour and terry cloth tracksuits, and popular companies should have widespread distribution to be made available to their large target market. In the case of them losing exclusivity, I don’t think that that’s something to be worried about. The Juicy Couture label has always been positioned at a better price point and not all consumers who want to be proud owners of Juicy Couture products can be. Also, the brand has created a separate line called Bird, which is a higher priced collection with a not so widespread distribution. By extending their brand to contain a higher priced line, they are increasing the exclusivity for that collection and allowing the regular Juicy Couture line to seem in reach to many consumers. The brand has over 80 stores within the United States, as well as stores overseas in Asia and Europe, they also operate about 30 retail outlets within the United States. The line is also distributed in a number of department and specialty stores and is also available on their e-commerce website. 3. I would say that all of the marketing efforts made on Juicy Couture’s behalf, including their advertising, web site, and store displays, are consistent with the brand. The people who operate all divisions of marketing and visual merchandising make sure that a clear and distinct brand image is seen throughout their company. Due to this seamless marketing strategy, Juicy Couture has secured a large loyal customer base. They also attract new consumers by adding product lines, such as watches and fragrance, while sticking to their signature over the top and interesting advertising program. Although Juicy Couture has been ever expanding since being sold to Liz Claiborne, their advertisements are cohesive throughout all product categories. 4. Juicy Couture has their toes in many product categories, ranging from women’s and children’s collection to computer accessories. Although I’m sure that there are some products that Juicy Couture could introduce to their plethora of already existing lines, the failure of their men’s clothing line could be a tell tale sign that there’s no need for them to over saturate their markets. Juicy Couture has been around long enough for the company to know what works with their target customer. To continue to grow and evolve within their current markets would be the best strategy for them in my eyes and maybe down the road try to introduce a new product category or line.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Ancestry of Laura Elizabeth Ingalls

Ancestry of Laura Elizabeth Ingalls Immortalized in time by the Little House series of books that she wrote based on her own life, Laura Elizabeth Ingalls was born on February 7, 1867, in a little cabin at the edge of the Big Woods in the Chippewa River Valley region of Wisconsin. The second child of Charles Philip Ingalls and Caroline Lake Quiner, she was named after Charles mother, Laura Louise Colby Ingalls. Almanzo James Wilder, the man Laura would eventually come to marry, was born February 13, 1857, near Malone, New York. He was the fifth of six children born to James Mason Wilder and Angeline Albina Day. Laura and Almanzo married on August 25, 1885, in De Smet, Dakota Territory, and had two children - Rose born in 1886 and a baby boy who died soon after his birth in August 1889. This family tree begins with Rose and traces back through both of her parents. First Generation 1. Rose WILDER was born on 5 Dec 1886 in Kingsbury Co., Dakota Territory. She died on 30 Oct 1968 in Danbury, Fairfield Co., Connecticut. Second Generation (Parents) 2. Almanzo James WILDER was born on 13 Feb 1857 in Malone, Franklin Co., New York. He died on 23 Oct 1949 in Mansfield, Wright Co., Missouri. 3. Laura Elizabeth INGALLS was born on 7 Feb 1867 in Pepin County, Wisconsin. She died on 10 Feb 1957 in Mansfield, Wright Co., MO. Almanzo James WILDER and Laura Elizabeth INGALLS were married on 25 Aug 1885 in De Smet, Kingsbury Co., Dakota Territory. They had the following children:    1 i. Rose WILDER ii. Baby boy WILDER was born on 12 Aug 1889 in Kingsbury Co., Dakota Territory. He died on 24 Aug 1889 and is buried in De Smet Cemetery, De Smet, Kingsbury Co., South Dakota. Third Generation (Grandparents) 4. James Mason WILDER was born on 26 Jan 1813 in VT. He died in Feb 1899 in Mermentau, Acadia Co., LA. 5. Angelina Albina DAY was born in 1821. She died in 1905. James Mason WILDER and Angelina Albina DAY were married on 6 Aug 1843 and had the following children:   Ã‚  Ã‚   i. Laura Ann WILDER was born on 15 Jun 1844 and died in 1899. ii. Royal Gould WILDER was born on 20 Feb 1847 in New York and died in 1925. iii. Eliza Jane WILDER was born on 1 Jan 1850 in New York and died in 1930 in Louisiana. iv. Alice M. WILDER was born on 3 Sep 1853 in New York and died in 1892 in Florida. 2 v. Almanzo James WILDER  Ã‚   vi. Perley Day WILDER was born on 13 Jun 1869 in New York and died 10 May 1934 in Louisiana. 6. Charles Phillip INGALLS was born on 10 Jan 1836 in Cuba Twp., Allegany Co., New York. He died on 8 Jun 1902 in De Smet, Kingsbury Co., South Dakota and is buried in De Smet Cemetery, De Smet, Kingsbury Co., South Dakota. 7. Caroline Lake QUINER was born on 12 Dec 1839 in Milwaukee Co., Wisconsin. She died on 20 Apr 1924 in De Smet, Kingsbury Co., South Dakota and is buried in De Smet Cemetery, De Smet, Kingsbury Co., South Dakota. Charles Phillip INGALLS and Caroline Lake QUINER were married on 1 Feb 1860 in Concord, Jefferson Co., Wisconsin. They had the following children:   Ã‚  Ã‚   i. Mary Amelia INGALLS was born on 10 Jan 1865 in Pepin County, Wisconsin. She died on 17 Oct 1928 in at the home of her sister Carrie in Keystone, Pennington Co., South Dakota, and is buried in De Smet Cemetery, De Smet, Kingsbury Co., South Dakota. She suffered a stroke which caused her to go blind at the age of 14 and lived with her parents until the death of her mother, Caroline. After that she lived with her sister, Grace. She never married. 3 ii. Laura Elizabeth INGALLS iii. Caroline Celestia (Carrie) INGALLS was born on 3 Aug 1870 in Montgomery Co., Kansas. She died of a sudden illness on 2 Jun 1946 in Rapid City, Pennington Co., South Dakota, and is buried in De Smet Cemetery, De Smet, Kingsbury Co., South Dakota. She married David N. Swanzey, a widow, on 1 Aug 1912. Carrie and Dave never had any children together, but Carrie raised Daves children, Mary and Harold, as her own. The family lived in Keystone, the site of Mount Rushmore. Dave was one of the group of men who recommended the mountain to the sculptor, and Carries stepson Harold helped with the carving. iv. Charles Frederic (Freddie) INGALLS was born on 1 Nov 1875 in Walnut Grove, Redwood Co., Minnesota. He died on 27 Aug 1876 in Wabasha Co., Minnesota. v. Grace Pearl INGALLS was born on 23 May 1877 in Burr Oak, Winneshiek Co., Iowa. She died on 10 Nov 1941 in De Smet, Kingsbury Co., South Dakota, and is was buried in De Smet Cemetery, De Smet, Kingsbury Co., South Dakota. Grace married Nathan (Nate) William DOW on 16 Oct 1901 in her parents home in De Smet, South Dakota. Grace and Nate never had any children.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Concepts of Population Health, Primary Health Care and Health Essay

Concepts of Population Health, Primary Health Care and Health Promotion - Essay Example The rate of unemployment has shot over 20% and theft incidences in the grocery store have markedly increased in the past year. As a community nurse, I also noted multiple signs of anemia, fatigue, and a high level of susceptibility to respiratory infections among members of families of various ages. Smoking is also prevalent in this community, which requires an urgent intervention. There are also concerns about diet adequacy and insufficient funding from the Social Services unable to meet their basic food needs. This requires sensitization and financial support to be accorded to the community. It is also certain that due to the distant urban center where large stores are located, the families cannot make it there to do their shopping and end up purchasing food items in the local stores where food prices are significantly higher. However, such families have accumulated huge debts in those stores and the owners, though sympathetic, cannot extend their customer’s credit lines. Th e community has also grown pessimistic about both the economic and unemployment situation in the community; however, some parents are still expecting things to turn around. These mentioned situations are demanding and as a community health nurse in the region, I have decided to work closely with the community to promote the situation in collaboration with the small group of local businessmen and farmers who have expressed their concern in developing a food bank to ensure needy families help each other. Therefore, this proposal seeks to integrate the concepts of primary health care, population health promotion, and health promotion in addressing the existing situation in the community. According to the World Health Organization, health promotion strategies can be applied to multiple population groups, diseases, risk factors, and other settings. This is because the strategies of health promotion are neither limited to a particular health related problem nor to a set of specific behavi ors. As a community nurse in this case study, I advocate health promotion that will put emphasis on community education, food policy development, community development, and regulations and legislation which are vital in preventing high poverty levels as well as communicable and non-communicable diseases. Action needs to be taken in this community so as to improve the health of the people, especially those who have shown the signs of anemia, fatigue and respiratory infections. The health promotion strategies influence most of the underlying factors and those that determine the health of the community members. This approach is recognized by both health promotion and population health. As a nurse, I would work with the community in constructing a population health promotion model in order to develop strategies that would curb the deteriorating health status of the community. In reference to the population health promotion, the following action areas need to be addressed in order to cur b the existing situation in the community: Building healthy public policy which ensures that all the public and private sectors are committed to health promoting situations Creating a supportive environment that recognizes the nature of the rapidly changing society Strengthening the community action in order to facilitate the ability of the community members to make decisions and set priorities on issues affecting their health Developing personal skills to impart knowledge and skills on community members that can help them meet their daily life challenges and make contributions to the society Reorienting health services in order to create systems focusing on the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Eric Fromm and his human needs theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Eric Fromm and his human needs theory - Essay Example Erich Fromm, who was born in Germany in the year 1900, was exposed to the horrors of the first world war (Boeree, n.d., p.3). The evil nature of the leaders, the mute submission of the civilians to the dictatorship and the way the society functioned developed Erich Fromm’s interest in psychology and social structure. He tried to find the answer to his search for the question, â€Å"what drives man to behave the way he does?†, in the psychoanalytical theories of Freud and social theories of Karl Marx (Boeree, n.d., p.4). However, he found that both the theories are incomplete as they treat man either as an individual or as a social animal (Boeree, n.d., p.4). He thinks that human being’s personal and social aspects are related and hence, his behavior and motives cannot be explained by separating the individual and the social aspects of his life (Boeree, n.d., p.4). Hence, Erich Fromm postulated a theory called ‘Human Needs Theory’, to explain those ne eds of human beings which drive them to behave the way they do and in doing so, has touched every aspect of the human personality(Boeree, n.d., p.10). By explaining how human behavior is not just a result of personal needs but also is a result of his dynamic relationship with existential aspects of life, Erich From has given us one of the most complete theories of human behavior (Boeree, n.d., p.10). According to Erich Fromm, the conditions of the society in which the human being exists, give birth to his needs (Wozniak, 2000, p.44). He does agree with other behaviorists when they say that every human being has basic biological needs like adequate nourishment and shelter, and meeting those biological needs can provide them with a sense of satisfaction

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Decoding the Jargon Essay Example for Free

Decoding the Jargon Essay Create a booklet which explain the function of hardware components and identify communication between components. The pages should include photographs and diagrams to illustrate the information you include. (P1) Components communication The following diagram shows how components communicate each other’s. CPU Also known as the processor, the CPU is the heart of the computer and has two part: Control Unit The control unit controls the flow of data through the processor. Arithmetic/Logic unit (ALU) The ALU performs mathematical, logical, and decision operations in a computer and is the final processing performed by the processor. RAM A computer can only run a program when it is in memory named RAM (Random Access Memory). List of RAM such as: Double data rate synchronous dynamic random access memory (DDR SDRAM), Static Random access memory (SRAM) and Dynamic random access memory (DRAM). Hard drive A HHD is a data storage device that provides storage and retrieving digital information. Serial Storage Architecture (SSA) is a serial transport protocol used to attach disk drives to server computers. A solid-state drive (SSD) it contains no actual disk, it is a data storage device using integrated circuit assemblies as memory to store data. It is more quiet when it runs, more resistant to physical shock, has a lower access time and less latency. Motherboard The motherboard is the main circuit board inside a computer. A number of major hardware components are plugged into it, including the CPU, hard  drive, the BIOS memory and RAM. The most commonly found and used motherboard is ATX motherboard. It is the standard motherboard which suit to any desktop computer. Fan A computer fan is any fan inside, or attached to, a computer case used for active cooling, and may refer to fans that draw cooler air into the case from the outside, expel warm air from inside, or move air across a heat sink to cool a particular component. CPU fan: Use to cool the CPU heat sink. Graphic card Fan: The specific fan to cool down the temperature of graphic card. PSU fan: The power supply unit fan play two rules that cool down the itself and removing the warm air from the case. PSU A power supply unit converts mains AC to low-voltage regulated DC power for internal components of computer. DVD DVD is digital optical disc that can store a large amount of digital data such as text, music, image or video. b. Add a new section to the booklet to explain the purpose of TWO different Operating Systems and compare the features functions of these operating systems. (P2, M1) Window 8 is the latest vision of the Windows operating system, which was developed by Microsoft. It acts as an interface between the hardware and the user. Purpose of Windows 8 The operating system was made for personal, home or business user in the desktop, laptop, tablet and smartphone market. It makes computer easy for users to control. 1. Graphical User interface The windows operating system designed originally to replace MS-DOS, which make the computer interface more user-friendly and allows you to use your mouse to operate. Windows 8 come with a new and unique kind of use interface (UI) called Metro. 2. Accessibility. Windows 8 increase the accessibility which includes features to enable disable people to use the computer more easily, such as: Optimize visual display to allow people to see more cleanly on screen, turn on audio description for people who are blind, adjust the setting of mouse for people are using different hand. 3. Multitasking Windows 8 provided people with the ability to do multitask more easily and steady. The Graphical User Interface makes easier to navigate from different tasks. 4. A Standard Part of windows’ purpose is to create a standard for third-part software developers. All windows programs will feature in a standard format, such as the position of menu options, the way programme opened and closed down. Purpose of DOS DOS known as Disk operating system that allow people to manage the storage devices such as hard disk, solid disk, flash disk or floppy disk. DOS is the basic system that people have to using Command line prompt to communicate with computer via simple interface which is not â€Å"friendly† user interface. The DOS can’t run multitask on computer which can only load one program until it finished. But some of the features still quite useful that people still use it. Such as: 5. CHKDSK 6. GBUPDATE 7. IPCONFIG 8. PING 9. FDISK Comparison of two operating systems We can see there are many different between those two computer operating system which the Windows 8 operating system have a lots of advance features and higher performance that suit to nowadays. The DOS system usually used to be run a specific program which prevents any virus or hacker attack in the solo computer such as sale program, data base in the hospital or council data base. c. In your document explain the purpose of different software utilities which is available. Explain how software utilities can improve the performance of computer systems (P3, D1) Windows 8 Utility Virus Protection The specific program used to prevent viruses, worms and Trojans which attached in the email or website. Every computer need to install an anti-virus software and have upgrade its regular that make sure the computer more securer. Firewall The Firewall is the software that build up to prevent attack from hacker which build a protective barrier in your computer when your computer connect to the network. It controlled which software’s data can thought the network and monitored the data thought the computer. Clean-up Tools The system utility that clean up system’s rubbish to make computer running more steady and smoothly. The list of clean-up content such as: Removal of cookies Internet history Defragmentation Drive formatting Drive formatting that means to delete everything on the drive or partition to install operating system or classify your partition. You can do it from Disk management or using Formatting Command in Command prompt just like type command in the DOS OS. Utility of DOS CHKDSK Checks a disk and repair your data that might lose or corrupt from take off your disk incorrectly or your computer lost electricity when it was running. The CHKDSK help computer more secure and repair the corruption when it detects. Ping is a computer network utility that to test how quickly the host to connect to the server. This utility could help user easier to check the connectivity with network. FDISK is utility software which using on DOS to partitioning disk and manage the partition. The FDISK that formatting your disk completely that not be able to recovery and it the common tool that used in 1990s during now. Scandisk is the command to run disk-repair on the current drive. DEFRAG is Command to reorganizes files on disks to optimize performance. DEBUG is command to run Debug, a program testing and editing tool.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

An Organizational Study of The United States Air Force :: Business Organization Research

The United States Air Force faced a leadership vacuum with the resignation of Air Force secretary James Roche and his Undersecretary Peter Teets. The Pentagon decided to take over of the buying decisions for the Air Force since they believed that there was no one who was in the position to take on the responsibility. The Department of Defense is now taking in charge to support and to assist the Air Force Command by overseeing and providing advice on important Air Force programs during a time of transition. It was clarified however that within the next six months, a new Air Force Secretary will be appointed. At present though, the Air Force is under the temporary command of Lt. Col. Michael Rodriguez (http://money.cnn.com/2005/03/28/news/fortune500/pentagon/). All organizations whether it be in the business industry, socio-civic, private or government-regulated face the challenge of running the whole system according to the principles as well as the goals and objectives of the system. The organization normally is confronted with how it will operate accordingly to meet the expectations and put up with the responsibilities and duties of the members as well as the departments that make up the whole system. The changes in the surroundings of the workplace in the internal as well as in the external environment and affairs make influence the overall operations of the structure. The military is not an exemption in this regard even for the fact that the defense team of a country undergo regulations that are very systemic and defined. There are internal as well as external affairs, issues and problems that should be attended to in order for the whole organization to function fully and provide the necessary outputs being demanded. That i s why it is interesting to look at a certain military arm experience a challenge of change in the system to be able to fit in the constantly changing global and wide social context on which it operates. Air Force Organizational Structure Just like other organizations, the United States Air Force is composed of complicated and systematic divisions. The people in this particular service are classified not just according to ranks. Since the recruits in this defense arm came from different state with varying cultural orientation, it is but expected that the people in this service are also diverse.

Monday, November 11, 2019

In Dreams Begin Responsibilities

Svetlana Sidorova Professor Grossman Eng 201-534 October 19, 2012 In â€Å"In Dreams Begin Responsibilities† Delmore Schwartz works with themes illusion, status and changes. He does this through mother, father and light. Schwartz is saying that most of the people are infantile and weak because they cannot accept the reality of life. Through the mother, we see that dreaming may lead to a painful disappointment. The mother has an unrealistic image of her and her future husband as an idyllic, respectable and happy couple, which is not true in reality. â€Å"†¦ avoiding the riotous amusements being beneath the dignity of so dignified couple†.She is trying to make an image of herself as an intelligent, domestic and interesting woman, which shows that she is not open and free with her fiance. â€Å"†¦according to her principles of economy and housewifeliness†. The mother also has fantasies about the proposal moment, taken from the love novels she reads, which were destroyed by actual proposal in the middle of a conversation on Coney Island. â€Å"†¦ she†¦begins to cry†. Perceiving the world only through prism of our expectations and wishes may lead to a fatal mistakes and wrong decisions which will afterwards turn the life into a disaster.Through the father is shown a high position in a society will not necessary bring a happiness. The father does not love his future wife but he wants to merry her only because she is from a good and respectable family. â€Å"†¦My father thinks of my mother†¦ and of the pride which will be his when he introduces her to his family†. The only thing he cares about is how to make money and what they will bring to him. â€Å"My father tells my mother how much money he has made†¦Ã¢â‚¬  his ambitious to become rich and dignified are so high that he is able to do everything to reach it, even it goes separately from his feelings and senses. His clothes are newly pressed, a nd his tie is too high in his high collar†. The high range social position will not bring a respect and aspirations without heart will cause eventually a disappointment in them.The light symbol represent that, even in darkness, it is always a chance to reorganize the present and comprehend the truth. In a photographer’s booth, we see the symbol of light where parents are able to look on themselves from the side and they have a possibility to understand that they are intolerable to each other. The place is shadowed in the mauve light which is apparently necessary†. Unfortunately, they know it from the beginning but they don not want to accept it because it will disturb already chosen path. â€Å"†¦and finally, shocked by their indifference†. The only son, who is going to start an adult life, able to summarize the parents mistakes and to build his future in the light of love, hope and faith. â€Å"†¦into the cold light, I woke up†. No matter what and when we are always know where is the light but sometimes it is easier to wander in a gloom then to find strength to look at the sun.Schwartz beliefs, that most of the people live with false creeds, imaginary definitions of life and pretensions to others. In â€Å"In Dreams Begin Responsibilities†, the mother and father know that they are a bad match to each other, but they close their eyes on these trays if light because they do not have a potency to change what is already established. The author is saying that we always have to follow our sense of rightness, even if it hearts our eyes, otherwise we will waste the life and we will never reach the whole beauty and glory of our unique personality.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Analysis on “The Fall of the House of Usher”

â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† Analysis ?Symbolism is â€Å"the practice of representing things by symbols, or of investing things with a symbolic meaning or character† according to dictionary. com. This literary device is employed frequently by authors, and Edgar Allan Poe is no exception. Considered the father of American Gothic literature, Poe is best known for his poem â€Å"The Raven. † â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† is perhaps his best-known short story; it set the standard by which Gothic literature, setting and even the term itself are measured.The Title Symbolism in â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† begins with the title. At the end of the story, the house itself does indeed fall; in the beginning, however, Roderick Usher tells the narrator that once his chronically ill twin sister Madeleine dies, it â€Å"would leave him (him the hopeless and the frail) the last of the ancient race of the Ushers. † The House There is much symbolism associated with the house itself; the narrator describes the house at length in the beginning of the story.From the outside in, everything about it seems to be in a state of decline, disrepair or neglect, paralleling the steadily declining health of the occupants. Perhaps the most telling image is the upside-down reflection of the house on the lake, indicating that everything about the place is all wrong. The Painting and Poem In the middle of the story, Roderick paints a picture of the inside view of a vault. Later, he and the narrator place the supposedly dead Madeleine in an almost identical real vault. In the same passage, there is a poem or ballad called â€Å"The Haunted Palace. It describes a once-beautiful palace in a once-green setting in which â€Å"evil things, in robes of sorrow / Assailed the monarch's high estate. † The Usher mansion immediately comes to mind, while the â€Å"robes of sorrow† are reminiscent of Madeleine's burial robes. The Weather and Moon In the final scene a storm comes up, building along with the narrative; storms in literature have long been used to underscore climactic action. Finally, as the house crumbles into the lake, there is a full, blood-red moon overhead, symbolic of bloodshed and death

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Lucas Samaras essay

Lucas Samaras essay Lucas Samaras essay Lucas Samaras essayLucas Samaras is a popular artist, who is working in the field of photography and has reached the international recognition of his talent and skills. Lucas Samaras started is artistic career by experiments in the field of visual art, sculpture and performance art. In this regard, the influence of his friends, whom he studied and worked with, such as Roy Lichtenstein, Kaprow Segal, George Brecht, and others, was particularly significant. However, steadily he shifted toward photography as his mainstream art. The interest to photography encouraged Lucas Samaras to start new experiments, which made his works different from works of other photographers and artists.His professional career and art work was and still is prominent because his works are very popular and highly appreciated by the public and critics. His early works were sheer experiments in the field of the photo design. Lucas Samaras used different tools and techniques to create his photo collages by manipul ating the wet dyes in Polaroid photographic film to create â€Å"photo transformations†. In this regard, he was particularly successful in his self-portraits, which he experimented and tried different tools and media. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that his works involved multi-media collages that made them exclusive, original and absolutely different from works of other artists.Therefore, Lucas Samaras is one of the most outstanding representatives of the â€Å"New Jersey School†, who has managed to create his own style and his own art, in a way, because his works have made a breakthrough in visual art and photography and brought him the international approval.Paint Head AttachedHead Attached is one of many self-portrait collages made by Lucas Samaras that reveals his original style and the essence of his experiments in the field of photography and visual art. In fact, his Head Attached is the self-portrait, which could be otherwise routine, unless Luc as Samaras used his favorite photo collage style. The author probably intentionally uses grey and dark colors, where his face is virtually the only light element of the self-portrait. He uses such colors to show that his life is routine. At the same time, the artist used good lighting to show every details of the self-portrait but still it is neither bright nor dark that emphasize routine of his life once again.The artist made the self-portrait, where he is sitting in the kitchen and holding in his right hand a jar with his self-portrait inside. In such a way, the entire works turns out to be a double self-portrait, which though has a very symbolic meaning and multiple implications. In this regard, the artist symbolically puts his self-portrait in a jar and stay in his kitchen to show that he is also in a sort of jar being locked in his home like his self-portrait is locked in the jar. At the same time, the self-portrait also implies the limitation of the artist’s vision beca use, being locked in the jar, he cannot see anything around him, he is limited in his movements that probably implies the limitation of his vision as an artist, which is limited by biases, stereotypes and his limited worldview as he also stays in the jar, in a way.Thus, the self-portrait reveals the original style of the artist and his vision of art and artist.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Best Practices for Social Science Writing Essay Example for Free

Best Practices for Social Science Writing Essay Practices (24) , social science (10) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints When social scientists write their research papers, they usually discuss the methods that they employed in gathering and analyzing their data and the results that they were able to generate using these methods. They however seldom concentrate on the writing process itself (Cuba, 1997). Writing in the field of social science requires the use of insight and research to better understand and make concrete observations and findings about the various behavioral elements. There are many methods of conducting social science studies namely through observations, interviews, surveys and case studies. However, when one starts writing the research paper that would embody these pertinent findings, the writer usually faces the challenges that many social science writers encounter. These problems include the complexities of achieving clarity, the potential for committing biases, writing in the first-person perspective, the use of quotations and in-text citations to support the analysis, and formatting styles particular to the field of social sciences. When writing one’s own research paper, it is important for a scholar in the field of social science to have a grasp of the basic writing techniques peculiar to social science in order to produce an academic paper that is relevant, informative and worth reading. The prevalence of search engines and the use of the World Wide Web have made it easier for scholars nowadays to conduct their studies and research with ease and in an expeditious manner. The libraries and other academic centers which make available to the public the latest references has also contributed to a great extent to achieving academic quality of various writings. Complexities in Achieving Clarity Like any other field of study, effective writing requires constant practice. This entails continuous process of writing, editing and rewriting ideas and use of words to convey these thoughts clearly to the intended audience (Cuba, 1997). Oftentimes, students of social science put off writing their research paper until they have completed doing all their research and compiled their bibliography. This practice however sometimes leads to insufficient time in writing the paper itself. In order to achieve clarity when writing a social science research paper, Hult (1996) enumerated the two components that must be considered: rhetorical question and organization. The components of a rhetorical situation include 1) the writer’s purpose; 2) the writer’s persona; 3) the potential readers or audience; 4) the subject matter and; 5) the appropriate language or tone (Hult, 1996). In starting the research write-up, the writer must determine the purpose of his paper and he must be able to define it clearly throughout the entire paper. The purpose need not be complex. A simple purpose will do so long as the readers can have a grasp of what the research is all about. Writers in the field of social science must also avoid writing in the first-person persona as this will affect the objectivity of their research. Identifying the intended audience will also help the writer in deciding what specific issues to discuss and what areas to avoid. For example, a person writing in the field of political science will have to consider political analysts as his potential readers. The subject matter is the most important aspect of the rhetorical situation (Hult, 1996). A writer must carefully select his thesis statement and decide from the materials gathered what facts must be included as well as those which need not be discussed. Furthermore, the research writer might also consider providing a glossary of terms when writing on a technical subject in order to make it easier for the readers to understand the language and tone of the research paper. Omitting Biases and Avoiding First Person Writing Style It is not uncommon practice in the field of social science to write using the first person persona. Writing from the first person perspective however indicates subjectivity in arriving at one’s own research findings and this in turn diminishes the objectivity of the research. In order to be more persuasive, the writer must couch his paper from a third person perspective so as to avoid the impression that he is impelled more by his own biases rather than reporting the facts gathered from relevant data. Omitting biases should be the foremost consideration of every social science writer because this field requires objectiveness and keen understanding of the facts and data. Unlike writers in the field of literature who have unbridled discretion to unleash their feelings and emotions in their papers, social science writers are bound by their duty to report the facts as they appear and not as they think it should be. The field of social science is primarily detail-oriented and must be supported by relevant, empirical, and reliable facts. In order to avoid biases, the writer must always dwell on the facts gathered and must use relevant sources to support his findings. Primary and secondary sources play an important role in the persuasiveness of one’s research work because the extent of the credibility of a research paper is to a great extent determined by the depth of research done by the researcher to support his study. The writer must also avoid labeling his chosen population or individual participants to avoid offending the readers. When dealing with a particular ethnic group or race, it is advisable to call them as they would like to be called. In order to avoid language biases, use the terminology applicable in the research itself. For example, when reporting on a study conducted on two types of participants, it is advisable to describe them according to how they were classified in the given study provided the labels are in themselves not offensive per se. Minimizing the Use of Quotations A writer’s source material must be in the form of paraphrases and summaries. However, paraphrased materials must still be properly documented either through in-text citations or footnotes or endnotes. Hult (1996) added that putting source material in your own words will improve the flow of your paper since the paraphrased style will blend with your own writing style and will thus contribute to its consistency. Minimize the use of direct quotations. The use of too many direct quotations distracts the reader and it also minimizes coherence of the writing style. It also leaves the impression that the writer knows little about his topic and is in fact relying heavily on what others have come up with (Hult, 1996). What the writer can do is paraphrase or summarize the portion of the materials used and document it properly. If using direct quotes cannot be avoided, the following principles are helpful in incorporating them smoothly in the research paper. First, when using quotations with four lines or less in length, enclose them with quotation marks and incorporate them in the text. Second, quotes should be introduced using the verb tense which is consistent with the tense of the quoted material. Third, change the capital letter to lower case and vice versa, within the quote if necessary. Fourth, enclosed in brackets the letter or words inserted inside the quoted material to separate them from the quoted material itself. Fifth, use ellipsis to signal that a material has been omitted from the quote. Sixth, punctuate the direct quote as it appears from the original. Seventh, a period or a comma which is part of the quote should be placed inside the quotation marks. Eighth, use a colon to introduce a quote which is more than one sentence or if the introductory material prior to the quoted portion is too long. Ninth, use a comma for short quotes (Hult, 1996). Using In-text Citations to Support Analysis A researcher who intends to make use on in-text citation in his write-up should keep in mind the American Psychological Association (APA) style which requires the use of past tense or present perfect tense when referring to earlier research materials. For example, it is incorrect to say â€Å"Smith (2008) states that†¦Ã¢â‚¬  when referring to Smith’s research findings. Instead, the researcher must employ the past or present perfect tense; hence, the in-text citation should appear like this: â€Å"Smith (2008) stated/has stated that†¦Ã¢â‚¬  In-text citations must follow the author-date format under the APA citation style, e. g. , (Smith, 2008) and a complete documentation of the source must appear in the reference list. Electronic sources are cited in the same manner as citing a printed document, e. g. , (Purdue University Online Writing Lab, 2008). For sources with no date available, place â€Å"n. d. † (meaning â€Å"no date†) after the author’s last name, e. g. , (Smith, n. d. ). Formatting Expectations A writer must see to it that his paper is professional in appearance. This is not to say however that attention to format should be every social science writer’s foremost consideration. It is also equally important to confer with your instructor as to what should be the appropriate format style for the particular paper. When preparing the paper, it is best to be conservative when it comes to formatting style rather than be ostentatious and vulgar, thus making the paper look less serious and informal. Hence, margin must not be justified on both side of the page but only on the left side only. The American Psychological Association (APA) is the most commonly used citation style format in the field of social sciences. The guidelines provided under the APA provides a useful tool in writing research papers, using in-text citations and reference page and using footnotes or endnotes. Under the APA formatting style, page headers are required to be placed in the upper right-hand of every page. This page header must contain the first two to three words of the title followed by the page number. The title page should already show include the page header. A running head must also appear on the first line of the title page flush-left. On the upper half of the page, centered, the full title of the paper, the name of the writer and university or affiliation must be indicated (Purdue University Online Writing Lab, 2008). Research papers are normally comprised of the title page, the abstract (if appropriate), the main body, the references, and the appendixes (if appropriate). The abstract need not be written for short research papers but for published research reports, an abstract is always required regardless of the length of the paper (Hult, 1996). Appendix may be used to include raw data and other information that need not appear in the main body but is likewise important in the research paper. It is located after the reference page and is labeled sequentially in letters. The reference page must include all the sources used in the research paper. The sources must be in alphabetical order by author’s last name and need not be numbered. Conclusion Writing is a necessary aspect of social research (Cuba, 1997). A good research means that the writer gave great effort in collecting and organizing his data as well as in organizing his findings in a coherent and scholarly manner suitable to the academic community he intends to present his study to. In preparing the research paper, every writer in the field of social science must consider the pertinent style guides applicable. The writing process is an analytic strategy that can only be improved through practice. This necessarily means that every social science researcher preparing his paper must open to revisions. The first draft must not be the final paper. Every writer must be also be willing to take constructive criticism from his colleagues because all too often, a writer cannot see the errors of his own work unless others point them out. Letting others read your research paper will help you in assessing some of the loopholes in your own arguments. Writing in the field of social sciences is an important aspect of the research itself because the manner in which a given study is presented contributes to the persuasiveness of the one’s findings and output. As such, it is important to be familiar with the writing techniques, styles, and formats applicable in your field of research so as to avoid mistakes and errors in presenting your research. The APA citation format style is a helpful tool in the social sciences and every scholar in this field must familiarize himself this formatting to avoid the inconvenience of revising and rewriting the research paper. The social science paper must be formal as to its structure and form and the writer must avoid using first person persona that is usually employed in the literary field. The sentences must be well-crafted and concise and must clearly reflect in a coherent and thorough manner the findings of the researcher without the need of extravagant words or details. Social science research writing is a challenging task for every writer. It requires practice and hard work just like collecting the data itself. It is an inevitable part of every researcher’s academic life and it cannot be avoided. Hence, every researcher must be familiar with the format and style peculiar to this field in order to increase the success of one’s research paper. References Cuba, Lee (1997). Short Guide to Writing About Social Science (4th Ed. ). Addison-United States: Wesley Educational Publishers Inc. Gerring, John, Yesnowitz, Joshua & Bird, Stephen (2004). General Advice on Social Science Writing. Retrieved August 1, 2008 from http://people. bu. edu/jgerring/documents/Adviceonessaywriting. pdf Hult, Christine (1996). Researching and Writing in the Social Sciences. Boston, Allyn and Bacon. Hess, Diana (2007). From Banished to Brother Outsider, Miss Navajo to An Inconvenient Truth: Documentary Films as Perspective-Laden Narratives. Social Education 71 (4), 194-199. McDonald, Susan, MD. Social Science Writing Guide. Retrieved August 1, 2008 from http://www. emayzine. com/lectures/writing. htm Mullen, Carol (2006). Best Writing Practices for Graduate Students: Reducing the Discomfort of the Blank Screen. Retrieved August 1, 2008 from http://cnx. org/content/m14054/latest/ Przeworski, Adam and Salomon, Frank (1995). The Art of Writing Proposals: Some Candid Suggestions to Social Science Research Council Competitions. Social Science Research Council. Retrieved August 1, 2008 from http://fellowships. ssrc. org/art_of_writing_proposals/ Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) (19 June 2008). APA Formatting and Style Guide. Retrieved August 2, 2008 from http://owl. english. purdue. edu/owl/resource/560/01/http://Web address for OWL resource. Watts, Michael. The Holy Grail: In Pursuit of the Dissertation Proposal. Institute of International Studies. University of California, Berkeley. Retrieved August 1, 2008 from http://globetrotter. berkeley. edu/DissPropWorkshop/process/InPursuitofPhD. pdf Best Practices for Social Science Writing. (2016, Aug 01). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Describe three important reforms that occurred during the Progressive Essay - 2

Describe three important reforms that occurred during the Progressive Era in American history. Describe what each one of them was, and why each one was an important reform - Essay Example Government reform encompasses one of the major changes that occurred in the reform era. Robert LaFollette who was a republican governor in Wisconsin (Mintz 2014) championed reforms in this sector. It was termed as the â€Å"Wisconsin idea† and it included changes such as a development of a railroad commission to control taxes, direct primaries to choose party nominees for public offices, as well as initiative and recall opportunities for the public (Fishback 289). These reforms were important since they increased the efficiency of the government (Fishback 289). The direct primaries gave the public an opportunity to participate in the political process and also limited the influence of city bosses in selecting there favourable personnel. The initiative device enabled the public participate in passing proposed laws through voting and recall device gave the public the power to remove elected officials from their position. These reforms put government officials on their toes and e nsured they did their work with efficiency and transparency. Civil rights reforms in the progressive era are very critical and their benefits curently felt. These reforms occurred following the publication of W.E.B. Du Bois. His publication highlighted the plight of African Americans and the disparaging racism effects. Du Bois condemned the belief that African Americans could not work as manual laborers and nothing more. This publication led to the establishment of the first national civil rights movement known as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) (Mintz, 2014). This organization boasted of 6,000 members by 1914 whereby it extended to establishing offices in fifty cities. These reforms in civil rights were very important since they ensured that the rights of the colored minority were protected. Initially, the minority endured hard and forced labor, coupled with low wages as well as denial of certain necessities.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

A Culture of Safety Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

A Culture of Safety - Essay Example However, as management models have continued to evolve, people have recognized that an error can only be prevented if it is known. This is the basis of the just culture in nursing, which acts as a bridge between the traditional approach and a situation in which no one bears the responsibility of errors. The just culture enables an organization as well as its employees to learn from mistakes and create a system that minimizes chances of error. This paper explores the just culture in a nursing setting and its impact on the safety of the patients. The Role of the Nurse in identifying Potential and Real Threats Patient safety is the core mission of every healthcare institution. Nurses have a role in ensuring that the patients in a hospital setting are catered to adequately to ensure their safety. They are obligated to identify, whenever possible, the risks that patients face while in the health institution. One way of identifying threats against the health of a patient would be to open t he communication channels in the hospital. This would enable a nurse to report to the administration about a threat to the safety of the patients. Previously, the punitive system in such a setting inhibited such reporting and nurses only identified threats which they would not be able to hide. The just culture enables a nurse to identify a risk which may have occurred due to an error and report the threat in the appropriate manner. This increases patient safety as adequate measures can be taken to remedy the situation. This role of the nurse is, therefore, in line with the just culture as proposed by Reason (American Nurses Association, 2010). Steps in Minimizing or Eliminating Threats Rules and Regulations Following instructions that are set by the organization should be a priority for all nurses. Managers, according to Lazarus (2011), must put systems in place that will enable the nurses to carry out their roles in the institution effectively. These systems are part of the rules t hat are set by the nursing leadership to provide maximum efficacy at the work place. Nurses should therefore adhere to these set rules and regulations, in order to minimize the chances of errors happening at the work place. Most of the systems in place are tested and tried, meaning they have been found to reduce the number of errors that people can make at the work place. Although human errors do occur, a continuous improvement of the system, as proposed in the just culture will lead to the system achieving maximum efficiency. Acting with regard to these rules will minimize or even eliminate the chances of error. Nurses should only act contrary to these rules when there is evidence that acting according to them presents a threat to the patient (Lazarus, 2011). Attending Seminars Seminars and other meetings organized by the institution to sensitize employees in patient safety are a valuable resource to nurses. Policies that are proposed and passed during these meeting have an effect on the performance of the nurses, and it is therefore important that nurses attend these meetings. This way, they will be conversant with the rules and regulations, as well as contribute to the development of these policies such that the rules will also be in favor of the nurses. Patient safety can be maximized through such meetings since the stakeholders agree on the most effective means of achieving that goal. Nurses mostly deal with patients directly and are obligated to ensure the safety of the patient. By attending these seminars, they increase their knowledge and learn how to incorporate the new policies with their expertise. This is an important aspect for the safety of the patient and nurses should take this measure to minimize threats to

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Medieval Christianity and Islam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Medieval Christianity and Islam - Essay Example The kingdom split into three in the late 6th century. Great leaders like Charlemagne ruled over the kingdom before its collapse (Watson, 2003). The Frankish kingdom was a Christian dominated the western European region during the middle ages. The church played an important role in leadership and redesigning of the kingdom. Their major concept was to spread the Christianity across the kingdom and fight the insurgent of the Moore and other Islamic kingdom. Christianity was used as a toll to unite the kingdom (Moore, 2011). Christianity dictated upon the nature of leadership. Religion was also a tool in designing the initial laws. Leaders such as Charles where made strong through religion. The Scottish missionaries played an important role in shaping the Frankish kingdom as a fully-fledged Christian kingdom (Moore, 2011). Religious rulers characterized the Al-Andalus region. In this case, the main religion was Islam. The nature of ruling was driven by the Islamic culture brought about by the Tariq during the European conquest. Spain becomes a Muslim state after Ar- Rahman is inaugurated the ruler of Cordoba. Leadership was religious based (Watson, 2003). The ideologies being spread at the then reign was driven by the Arabic culture. The purpose was to spread Islam throughout the region with the focus being Spain. The reign lasted until 1490s AD when the last religious leader surrendered to the Romans and the Frankish. Religion laid the basis of the then laws and leadership (Watson, 2003). Both Christianity and Islam dominated Europe during the 6th century. The manner in which religion played part in matters administration differed. Religion was a pillar stone to each kingdom. The Franks were Christian dominated while Muslims dominated the Al-Andalus era. The nature of administration differed (Watson, 2003). In the Islamic region, the concept of conversion was note encouraged in that the tax differences made it